Emergency Eye Care in Danville

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Prioritizing Your Safety

An eye emergency can occur at any moment, and at Danville Optometric Group we’re in your corner for your emergency eye care needs.

Eye emergencies can range from eye infections to eye injuries and other serious issues. Contact us immediately if you experience an eye emergency—please don’t hesitate to contact us for urgent eye care.

When to Seek Emergency Care

Eye emergencies can include infections, chemical injuries, sudden flashes and floaters, punctures, and scratches. 

Common eye emergency signs and symptoms may include:

  • Excessive eye pain
  • Burning or stinging
  • Loss of vision
  • Bleeding from the eye
  • New and severe headaches

Symptoms of eye emergencies can vary, and if you experience sudden vision loss symptoms, it’s essential to seek emergency care as soon as possible.

At Danville Optometric Group, we understand that anything affecting your vision can be scary, and our team is equipped with the necessary tools and experience to manage eye emergencies.

Understanding Eye Emergencies

Eye emergencies do not all fall under one set category and can appear in the form of various eye issues. Understanding different types of eye emergencies and how you should handle them can help our patients treat them in the moment before they can visit us for emergency care.

Chemical Contact

Chemical contact can occur around the house from simple chores like cleaning or tending to your garden. Chemicals from cleaning products, garden chemicals, and industrial chemicals can accidentally get in your eyes.

If you get chemicals in your eyes, the following steps can help:

  • Wash your hands with soap and cool water thoroughly.
  • Turn your head, so the affected eye is down and to the side.
  • Hold the affected eyelid open and flush it out with clean tap water for 15 minutes.

Chemical contact can occur around the house from simple chores like cleaning or tending to your garden. Chemicals from cleaning products, garden chemicals, and industrial chemicals can accidentally get in your eyes.

If you get chemicals in your eyes, the following steps can help: 

  • Wash your hands with soap and cool water thoroughly.
  • Turn your head, so the affected eye is down and to the side.
  • Hold the affected eyelid open and flush it out with clean tap water for 15 minutes.

A serious chemical eye injury can cause severe damage, and it’s essential to seek urgent care as soon as possible.

Flashes can appear as random flashing lights in your field of vision. As you age, occasional flashes may become more common, but the appearance of new random flashes should be checked by your eye doctor immediately. Random new flashes or floaters can indicate a detached retina, which is a serious condition that must be treated.

Floaters may appear as small lines or cobwebs in your field of vision. While floaters may seem to be in your central vision, they are floating around your eyes. Floaters are more likely to appear if you are nearsighted or have had inflammation inside your eyes.

Most flashes and floaters aren’t severe, but you should contact us right away if:

  • You notice many new floaters
  • You have an increased amount of flashes
  • A gray curtain covers part of your vision
  • A shadow appears in your peripheral vision

Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, can qualify as an eye emergency. Conjunctivitis occurs when there is an inflammation or infection of the transparent membrane that lines the eyelid.

Some common signs and symptoms of pink eye can include:

  • A gritty feeling in your eyes
  • Tearing in the affected eye
  • A pus-like discharge

In some cases, conjunctivitis can be contagious and result in eye discomfort and severe redness.

Small foreign objects such as sand and dust can get in your eyes and cause discomfort. There are some steps you can follow to help deal with the discomfort:

  • Avoid rubbing your eye and try blinking to clear up the obstruction.
  • Wash your hands and examine your eye to try to locate the object.
  • Use artificial tear eye drops to rinse out the object.
  • Flush the object out with cool water if it’s stuck on your eyelid.
  • Contact us for urgent eye care if the object cannot be removed and irritation continues.

Large foreign objects such as glass or metal can cause more severe damage, and it’s essential to leave the object as is and seek emergency care as soon as possible.

If a large foreign object is stuck in your eyes, it’s vital not to touch the object, apply pressure, or attempt to remove it.

A cut or scratch to your eyeballs or eyelids can indicate the need for urgent medical care. Your eyes are sensitive to trauma. Applying a loose bandage in the moment while you wait for medical attention can help preserve your vision—it’s important not to apply too much pressure.

Athletic eye injuries can lead to permanent vision loss. These injuries can include:

  • Blunt trauma injuries (something or someone hitting you in/around the eye)
  • Orbital factures or broken bones around the eye
  • Ruptured globe (a broken eyeball)
  • Detached retina
  • Penetrating injuries (something cuts into the eye)
  • Radiation injuries (sun exposure damage)

Dedicated Eye Care

At Danville Optometric Group, we prioritize the safety of our patients and take a cautious approach to eye care. If you experience an eye emergency, it is important to contact us to get medical attention as soon as possible.

Contact Us

Comprehensive Eye Care & Trendy Eyewear

Receive the detailed eye care you deserve and find your next favorite pair of frames by visiting us today! Call us to book an appointment.

Where to Park?

We’re located in Tassajara Crossing, with plenty of parking available. You can access us from Camino Tassajara or Center Way.

Our Address

  • 3464 Camino Tassajara
  • Danville, CA 94506

Contact Information

Hours Of Operation

  • Monday: Closed
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: 8:00 AM 1:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

*Closed weekdays for lunch 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM.

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